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Postfeminism and veiling, story of an unhappy marriage: Conceptualising veiling through postfeminism.

Despite the appeal to freedom and progress, veiling is an archaic, cumbersome and misogynist practice. This essay aims not only to untangle contemporary faux-feminist discourse but also put forward a new way to conceptualise the headscarf, understanding its role within a culture of male violence.

Advertising and the consumption of women: How sexist images in advertising have become sexualised

This presentation was given during the ‘Acting against sexist advertisement in public spaces’ panel in the European Parliament in Brussels on the 6th of March 2019. The panel was part of the wider event ‘S&D Gender Equality Youth Forum’. The speech has been edited with minor modifications and additions. A picture is worth a thousand… Continue reading Advertising and the consumption of women: How sexist images in advertising have become sexualised

Basta apparire o come diventare uno stereotipo

“Basta apparire” è la massima dell’ideologia che possiamo chiamare vagamente transgender che invita all’auto-assegnazione sessuale. Chiunque può essere del sesso che preferisce, basta farlo apparire. Certi uomini si avvalgono così di stereotipi banalmente sessisti per pretendersi donne: tacchi, parrucche, silicone nelle tette e voilà amore mio. 

The Right to Sex: A Lesson in ‘Pragmatic’ Feminism

Photography: my own. 'Ma non troppo' in Italian means 'but not too much'. Let's be feminist but not too much. Let's demand things, but not that much. Prostitution is bad but not that bad. Pornography is bad but not bad enough to stop it, etc. (Amia Srinivasan and others could say). Asthe glass slips from… Continue reading The Right to Sex: A Lesson in ‘Pragmatic’ Feminism

New Feminist Book Breaks the Silence on Male Torture of Women

Abandon hope all ye who enter here Dante Ordinary people do not know that everythingis possible. David Rousset – L’univers concentrationnaire, 1946 Photography: my own. Years ago at school, my course mates and I were assigned to read two novels by the feminist writer Dacia Maraini. In the first, she recounted her rape. In class discussions,… Continue reading New Feminist Book Breaks the Silence on Male Torture of Women

Welcome to the Sex Stereotype Clinic

Stereotyping is a printing technique developed in the 18th century. A stereotype is a solid plate of metal where letters and illustrations are tightly fit together to be reproduced indefinitely on paper. Metaphorically, a stereotype is a prejudiced cliché. A preconceived and oversimplified vision of reality, a stereotype is an image that only exists in our… Continue reading Welcome to the Sex Stereotype Clinic

Prostituted Women Experimented on For Decades in USA-funded HIV Trials Overseas

Trials of HIV prevention medications used thousands of vulnerable women in Africa and Asia, leaving some infected and sometimes in collaboration with pro-prostitution organizations. Photography: my own Since the 1980s, women in prostitution in Africa and Southeast Asia have been used to test new solutions against HIV. Despite evidence of harm, the nonoxynol-9 spermicide was… Continue reading Prostituted Women Experimented on For Decades in USA-funded HIV Trials Overseas

Nous apprenons

« On vous apprend que des êtres humains doués de langage ont été placés dans une situation telle qu’aucun d’eux ne peut vous rapporter maintenant ce qu’elle fut. » Jean-François Lyotard Nous apprenons que les médicaments périmés sont transférés d’un continent A à un continent B où ils sont mélangés à de l’héroïne, le tout pour le… Continue reading Nous apprenons

Devenir un stéréotype

Les stéréotypes féminins sont présentés comme immuables, à tel point qu'ils ont été confondus avec la féminité elle-même. Cet aspect est d’autant plus évident dans la langue française où elle n’y a plus de distinction entre féminité entendue comme l’être femme et féminité comprise comme paillettes et maquillage. Le sens neutre de « féminité » qui serait tout simplement « propre à une femme » est totalement perdu.

Cassandra’s Resolutions for the New Year

we need to develop a feminist understanding of time. Indeed, the first specificity of women’s condition, compared to that of other male and female oppressed groups, is that the atrocities men commit against us are not historicised. We hear ‘prostitution has always existed’, ‘rape has always existed’. We are made to understand that male violence is like God: it never began so it can never end. Obviously, that's a lie.