The Right to Sex: A Lesson in ‘Pragmatic’ Feminism

Photography: my own. 'Ma non troppo' in Italian means 'but not too much'. Let's be feminist but not too much. Let's demand things, but not that much. Prostitution is bad but not that bad. Pornography is bad but not bad enough to stop it, etc. (Amia Srinivasan and others could say). Asthe glass slips from… Continue reading The Right to Sex: A Lesson in ‘Pragmatic’ Feminism

New Feminist Book Breaks the Silence on Male Torture of Women

Abandon hope all ye who enter here Dante Ordinary people do not know that everythingis possible. David Rousset – L’univers concentrationnaire, 1946 Photography: my own. Years ago at school, my course mates and I were assigned to read two novels by the feminist writer Dacia Maraini. In the first, she recounted her rape. In class discussions,… Continue reading New Feminist Book Breaks the Silence on Male Torture of Women

Are we women ready to wake up? A review of Sheila Jeffreys’s autobiography Trigger Warning: My Lesbian Feminist Life

Trigger Warning: My Lesbian Feminist Life takes you to the revolutionary feminism of the 1970s to the lush Australian nature, down through the desert of the early 2000s all the way to today. Trigger warning is an occasion for us all to take stock on our achievements and most importantly where we have regressed.