
Borazan Sesli literally means ‘trumpet’s sound’ in Turkish and is used to indicate someone with a loud voice. This is Yağmur Uygarkızı‘s website.

Borazan Sesli significa letteralmente “suono di tromba” in turco ed è usato per indicare chi ha un bel volume di voce. È il sito di Yağmur Uygarkızı.

Borazan Sesli signifie littéralement “son de trompette” en turc et est utilisé pour désigner une voix qui porte. C’est le site de Yağmur Uygarkızı.


Prostituted Women Experimented on For Decades in USA-funded HIV Trials Overseas

Trials of HIV prevention medications used thousands of vulnerable women in Africa and Asia, leaving some infected and sometimes in collaboration with pro-prostitution organizations. Since the 1980s, women in prostitution in Africa and Southeast Asia have been used to test new solutions against HIV. Despite evidence of harm, the nonoxynol-9 spermicide was used on women…

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Welcome to the Sex Stereotype Clinic

Stereotyping is a printing technique developed in the 18th century. A stereotype is a solid plate of metal where letters and illustrations are tightly fit together to be reproduced indefinitely on paper. Metaphorically, a stereotype is a prejudiced cliché. A preconceived and oversimplified vision of reality, a stereotype is an image that only exists in our…

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Cappuccetto Rosso

C’era una volta una deliziosa bambina soprannominata Cappuccetto Rosso. I capelli ricci, le mani paffute, sorrideva al mondo. Adorata dalla mamma e dalla nonna, non toglieva mai il cappuccetto cucito dalla bisnonna.

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La prostitution est morte, vive le travail du sexe! – Partie I: Populisme et prostitution

La clé d’interprétation pour comprendre le succès du discours propagandiste prostitutionnel est la ressemblance de cette dernière avec le discours politique ambiant en Europe et Amérique du Nord. Il ne faut pas construire, il faut s’inscrire. La force du discours prostitutionnel ambiant est qu’il navigue sur un imaginaire collectif déjà établi. La familiarité facilite l’assimilation.…

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Cassandra’s Resolutions for the New Year

we need to develop a feminist understanding of time. Indeed, the first specificity of women’s condition, compared to that of other male and female oppressed groups, is that the atrocities men commit against us are not historicised. We hear ‘prostitution has always existed’, ‘rape has always existed’. We are made to understand that male violence…

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Consentir ne nous protégera pas

Il va de soi qu’un homme ne peut pas avoir de relation sexuelle avec une fille, qu’il s’agit forcément d’un viol, mais une definition du viol par l’absence de consentement est forcément creuse et ne nous protégera jamais.

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Drusilla Foer e misoginia transepocale

Il personaggio Drusilla Foer rappresenta la confluenza di patriarcato primitivo e sofisticato, patriarcato tradizionale e contemporaneo. Un mischio fra “trans” e casalinga, Drusilla Foer rimanda ad un periodo rivoluto, un’epoca in cui le donne erano ancora donne, dove si vestivano per bene, perfette padrone di casa, con un tocco di eleganza e spirito intrattenevano gli…

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